Hong Kong

Thinkergy Hong Kong Office

Thinkergy Hong Kong

Hong Kong is Thinkergy’s long-time strategic and administrative home base. Thanks to its stable legal environment and sophisticated financial markets, Hong Kong has been the place of choice for Multinational Corporations to set-up their North Asia head office and coordinate the expansion into the highly dynamic markets in China.

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The people that know how to wow!

Dr. D

Created by Founder and Chief Ideator, Dr. Detlef Reis (Dr. D), Thinkergy is taught and implemented by the United Creative Brains of Thinkergy – a global network of certified business professionals, decorated academics and independent experts.
Certified TIPS Trainer
Certified X-IDEA & TIPS Trainer
Innovation Trainer & Consumer Insights Specialist
Innovation Trainer & Guide
Innovation Trainer & Designer
Innovation Trainer & Guide, Project Manager
Innovation Facilitator
Innovation Facilitator
Innovation Facilitator
Innovation Trainer
Innovation Trainer
Innovation Facilitator, Event Organizer & All-Rounder

Some of our clients